
VERSION: str = '1.0.43'

Current version of the Spotify Client Python3 Library.

PACKAGENAME: str = 'spotifywebapiPython'

Name of our package (used by PDoc Documentation build).


PDoc Documentation brand icon link url that is displayed in the help document TOC.

PDOC_BRAND_ICON_URL_SRC: str = 'spotifywebapipython.ico'

PDoc Documentation brand icon link url that is displayed in the help document TOC.

PDOC_BRAND_ICON_URL_TITLE: str = 'A Spotify Web Api Client'

PDoc Documentation brand icon link title that is displayed in the help document TOC.


Url used to request user authorization permission for an authorization token.


Url used to request or renew a Spotify authorization token.


Url base name used to access tthe Spotify Web API.


Default country code to use if a country code was not supplied on a request and the UserProfile.Country value is not set (e.g. public access token in effect.

Default value is "US".


%s result

TRACE_METHOD_RESULT_TYPE = '%s result - %s object '

%s result - %s object

TRACE_METHOD_RESULT_TYPE_CACHED = '%s result - %s object (%s)'

%s result - %s object (%s)

TRACE_METHOD_RESULT_TYPE_PAGE = '%s page result - %s object '

%s page result - %s object

TRACE_MSG_AUTHTOKEN_CREATE = 'Creating a "%s" authorization access token'

Creating a "%s" authorization access token

TRACE_MSG_DELAY_DEVICE: str = 'Delaying for %s seconds to allow Spotify Web API to process the change'

Delaying for %s seconds to allow Spotify Web API to process the change

TRACE_MSG_USERPROFILE = 'User Profile Object: DisplayName="%s", EMail="%s"'

User Profile Object: DisplayName="%s", EMail="%s"

TRACE_MSG_AUTOPAGING_NEXT = 'Requesting next page of items %s'

Requesting next page of items %s

TRACE_WARN_SPOTIFY_SEARCH_NO_MARKET: str = "Warning - Market value (aka country code) was not specified for '%s' search request, and user profile did not have a country code set. This may cause Spotify Web API to return some weird results, or even cause an exception!"

Warning - Market value (aka country code) was not specified for '%s' search request, and user profile did not have a country code set. This may cause Spotify Web API to return some weird results, or even cause an exception!