
class SpotifyWebApiAuthenticationError(builtins.Exception):

Exception thrown when a Spotify Web API Authentication Error occurs.

Whenever the application makes requests related to authentication or authorization to Web API, such as retrieving an access token or refreshing an access token, the error response follows RFC 6749 on the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.

SpotifyWebApiAuthenticationError( error: str, errorDescription: str, methodName: str, httpStatus: int, httpReason: str, logsi: smartinspectpython.sisession.SISession = None)

Initializes a new instance of the class.

  • error (str): A high level description of the error as specified in RFC 6749 Section 5.2.
  • errorDescription (str): A more detailed description of the error as specified in RFC 6749 Section
  • methodName (str): Name of the client method that executed the request.
  • httpStatus (str): HTTP status code for the error.
  • httpReason (str): HTTP reason code for the error.
  • logsi (SISession): Trace session object that this exception will be logged to, or null to bypass trace logging.
    Default is None.
Error: str

A high level description of the error as specified in RFC 6749 Section 5.2.

Example: invalid_client.

ErrorDescription: str

Message text, as reported by the element text of the error xml response.

Example: Invalid client secret.

HttpReason: str

HTTP reason code for the error.

Example: Bad Request.

HttpStatus: int

HTTP status code for the error.

Example: 400

MethodName: str

The method being executed when the error occured.

Example: GetArtist.

def ToString(self) -> str:

Returns a UI-friendly string representation of the class.